Loch Fyne Dive Charters
Loch Fyne Dive Charters is based in Tarbert on the west coast of Scotland and commenced trading in July 2003.
They take parties of divers out into the largely unspoiled waters of Loch Fyne all year round and can also cater for pleasure and educational trips on the Loch and its surrounding areas of Arran and Bute.
They are able to offer air and nitrox fills to our customers and also to other divers who are enjoying the wonderful diving in Loch Fyne.
'MV Little Blue’ can be chartered to dive the sheltered waters of Loch Fyne on Scotland’s west coast.
MV Little BlueThe clear sheltered waters of Loch Fyne give visibility of 10-15 metres for most of the year and the scenery, above and below water, is exceptional with many new wreck sites waiting to be visited.
After two or three dives per day, evenings can be spent ashore exploring Tarbert and the Mull of Kintyre which provides an easy, relaxed holiday to suit the novice, experienced diver or people with mixed interests.
Little Blue viewed from the stern in Tarbert HarbourThe boat is MCA category 4 licensed to carry 12 passengers and 2 crew and carries up to date electronics, navigational aids and medical oxygen. There is a small galley for hot and cold drinks and snacks.
Little Blue is based in Tarbert on the Kintyre peninsular and will be diving the unspoiled waters of Loch Fyne with prices from £15 per dive. Air and Nitrox fills are available. You can also now view the first online picture of Little Blue's new big brother, aptly named Big Blue the latest addition to the Fyne Diving family fleet.
Loch Fyne boasts abundant sea life with scenic dives from 5 to 50 metres. Dives around Arran and Bute can also be arranged.
Malcolm Goodchild
Loch Fyne Dive Charters